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Tonmoyananda's Page

Premananda writes: Here is a poem I wrote about Baba. My brother Frank (Tonmoyananda) made it into a beautiful love song. Recorded by Tommy "T-Bone" Wolk, 1997. (Click HERE for mp3)

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Keep On Loving You

In my lifetime I have seen
Children shining, babies beam,
Springtime sunshine, something new,
and all the time I keep on loving you.

Springtime fountains I have seen,
Sunshine flowers, light supreme!
Idle daylight, love anew,
and all the time I keep on loving you.

But take me on a journey to
the goodness of the heart,
let me not believe in love
which time can rend apart.

Let me be a seed of love
and bear love's lonely mark,
and always let me
keep on loving you.

In my lifetime let me be
as the river to the sea,
as the lonely to the true,
may all the time,
I keep on loving you.


Premananda writes: "Tonmoyananda" is my brother, Frank Morgan, a musician and painter who is also one of my best friends. When Baba made his first visit to America I had a great wish that Frank would come and meet Baba, and my wish was granted. He came to Brooklyn to see Baba, and later came to the Bhakt-Gnana Yoga Ashram in Harriman, NY, where Baba was staying for a few days. He sang several of his songs for Baba, and seeing that Frank became totally absorbed in his music gave him the name "Tonmoyananda" meaning "absorbed in bliss."

You can hear more of Frank's music at this new website under construction: