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Ron Paul@War Is a Political Disaster @ Surely, history shows that war is never a winner, especially when the people who have to pay, fight, and die for it come to realize that the war was not even necessary and had nothing to do with national security or fighting for freedom, but was promoted by special interests who stood to gain from taking over a sovereign country.
Puzzle for Dad #61
by Bill Morgan
1 G|2 Y|3 B|4 T|5 V|6 C|7 X|8 S|9 P|10 S|11 B|12 T|13 R|14 AA|15 D|16 X|17 H|
18 E|19 H|20 H|21 F|22 U|23 M|24 M|25 I|26 H|27 L|28 K|29 K|30 D|31 T|32 Z|
33 K|34 E|35 O|36 O|37 W|38 N|39 J|40 D|41 C|42 D|43 H|44 V|45 R|46 H|47 X|48 T|49 X|
50 Y|51 R|52 B|53 Q|54 BB|55 H|56 D|57 D|58 D|59 J|60 B|61 D|62 Y|63 I|64 Y|65 Q|
66 K|67 S|68 K|69 AA|70 S|71 I|72 C|73 N|74 F|75 B|76 Q|77 V|78 Y|79 M|80 Z|81 S|
82 A|83 M|84 V|85 A|86 U|87 BB|88 H|89 Y|90 S|91 R|92 V|93 B|94 F|95 D|96 J|
97 T|98 K|99 U|100 R|101 Q|102 CC|103 U|104 N|105 R|106 J|107 J|108 Q|109 T|110 K|111 F|112 DD|
113 B|114 H|115 DD|116 V|117 W|118 X|119 B|120 R|121 K|122 O|123 F|124 S|125 D|126 X|127 CC|128 V|
129 P|130 H|131 F|132 X|133 Q|134 E|135 Q|136 D|137 Y|138 L|139 U|140 G|141 V|142 C|143 J|144 C|145 DD|
146 K|147 Z|148 AA|149 G|150 W|151 Q|152 R|153 T|154 U|155 E|156 BB|157 Z|158 O|159 K|160 Z|161 P|
162 T|163 S|164 H|165 D|166 M|167 R|168 J|169 Y|170 I|171 Y|172 R|173 K|174 G|175 K|176 W|177 BB|178 CC|
179 X|180 O|181 U|182 M|183 M|184 I|185 E|186 AA|187 W|188 I|189 CC|190 Z|191 F|192 R|193 W|194 BB|
195 O|196 N|197 U|198 T|199 Q|200 S|201 X|202 O|203 I|204 R|205 CC|206 K|207 Y|208 K|209 T|210 V|211 M|
212 G|213 A|214 K|215 Z|216 L|217 A|218 M|219 Y|220 BB|221 N|222 I|223 X|224 B|225 D|226 BB|227 H|228 U|
229 F|230 Q|231 W|232 L|233 L|234 Q|235 J|236 O|237 DD|238 P|239 C|240 Z|241 T|242 H|243 X|244 D|
245 Y|246 W|247 H|248 CC|249 Z|250 I|251 BB|252 BB|253 O|254 R|255 Z|256 R|257 S|258 A|259 Q|260 R|
261 D|262 B|263 S|264 L|265 E|266 T|
A. "Homeland Security" chief Tom
217 213 82 258 85
B. Execute actions or discharge duties better than someone else
224 262 119 60 52 3 75 11 113 93
C. Minor divinities in classical mythology, represented as beautiful women
144 6 239 72 142 41
D. Attempt to go to the limit of cutting edge technology
57 165 225 136 95 15 125 56 244 30 58 61 261 42 40
E. Reply to a query
155 134 18 34 185 265
F. Ongoing, happening
191 123 229 94 131 111 21 74
G. Divine wisdom, often identified with the second person of the Trinity
212 140 174 149 1
H. Throw a wrench in the works, for example
114 88 43 130 242 55 46 247 227 164 17 26 19 20
I. Very hardy deciduous shrub has a rounded shape, often used for screens, borders
250 25 184 170 222 63 71 188 203
J. Game of pool in which all 15 object balls are shot in numerical order
39 96 168 106 107 143 59 235
K. On cloud nine?
173 214 206 98 121 110 159 146 66 175 208 33 68 29 28
L. Put on a play
27 264 233 232 216 138
M. At a later time
24 183 79 218 182 23 211 166 83
N. Stick together, as paper
196 73 221 104 38
O. Causing displeasure, distaste or resentment
158 180 236 122 36 195 35 253 202
P. Failure to gain, win, obtain
161 238 129 9
Q. Inducing fear or a sense of inferiority into another
151 259 230 76 199 101 135 133 108 234 65 53
R. Classic 1948 film by Vittorio De Sica
152 51 254 204 167 260 13 91 100 120 192 105 45 256 172
S. Lapse of awareness
257 263 67 90 10 163 124 70 8 200 81
T. Muscular pain, cramping, or stiffness
209 109 241 97 48 31 266 153 198 12 162 4
U. "Dog Day _____," 1975 Al Pacino film
99 86 22 103 197 139 181 228 154
V. The handling of the details of an operation
5 92 77 84 116 141 210 44 128
W. In the city center, usually
187 231 150 37 176 246 193 117
X. The study of fish
243 126 223 201 7 49 118 47 16 179 132
Y. Freeway, for example
219 2 207 62 171 64 89 245 78 50 137 169
Z. A person with power to decide a dispute
160 32 190 157 240 249 80 215 147 255
AA. Grain or ripened ovule of a plant
14 69 186 148
BB. Artist having a living canvas
54 194 220 156 252 87 177 251 226
CC. Pepsin or retsin, for example
248 178 102 205 189 127
DD. Indian musical composition
237 115 145 112