How to Make Someone Fly into a Building

Reading about the crash of a small plane into Milan's highest building, and recalling a similar event by a teenager in the U.S., I could not help but remember Tom Bearden's account of Captain Button's fatal flight on April 2, 1997. And two months after that there was the case of a Captain Svoboda.

Bearden believes these events were the result of the testing of the new superweapons called "longitudinal interferometers" in the psychoenergetic (mind control) mode. 

"The Russians reached the point in the mid 1990s that they could take over control of a person's mind, with modified longitudinal EM waves including some time-polarized EM waves, and with a team of specialists (estimate 25-30 per transmitter, and one transmitter and team per controlled person)."

Here is Bearden's account of these events from his paper "Mind Control and EM Wave Polarization Transductions"

Russian Lethal Psychoenergetics Mind Control Tests Over the U. S. 

"In fact, the KGB tested just such highly advanced mind control weapons over the middle of the United States in 1997 on two occasions. The tests were conducted against Captain Button in his A-10 "Warthog" aircraft on April 2, 1997 [See Figure 14], and upon Captain Svoboda in her A-10 "Warthog" on May 27, 1997. [See Figure 15]. 

"Over Arizona, Captain Button was thrown into a hypnogogic state, and his perceptions instantly altered and controlled. In his instant "dream-waking" state, everything seemed perfectly normal. His sense of direction was altered a bit more than 90 degrees, so he simply corrected and turned and "flew toward the range", actually flying off course by more than 90 degrees and ignoring radio contacts. He flew right on out of Arizona. 

"At one point he circled, probably thinking he was over the range, and he probably dropped his ordnance there. Then he "flew on back toward home," as he thought in his waking dream state, until his fuel ran out and he crashed and died in the explosion—dream-thinking until he died that everything was normal. All the while, his sense of the passage of time was altered. To him, in his dream-thinking, dream-acting state, everything was normal and nothing untoward had happened. So the distant KGB transmitters and associated psychoenergetics team controlled him for over an hour. 

"Indeed, that was the exact purpose of me test: demonstrate control (at a great distance) of a skilled person performing highly skilled tasks. A secondary purpose was to stimulate the U.S. government, watch its investigation and findings, and ascertain if the U.S. knew of the extent to which Russian KGB mind control weaponry had advanced. Obligingly, we proved to me KGB that we did not understand what had actually happened to Captain Button. 

"Captain Svoboda was from the same Wing as Captain Button and was its most experienced night fighter A-10 pilot. In fact, she taught other pilots the fine points of night flying combat missions in the A-10. About two months after Captain Button's bizarre flight and death, Svoboda was engaged in night target bombing on the range. Rising from her ordnance drop on me target, Svoboda was suddenly struck and rendered hypnogogic and in a waking-dream state. Her sense of the vertical was instantly reversed. Superb pilot that she was, she immediately dream-perceived she was diving, not climbing out of the delivery. She instantly corrected to "climb out". So in the real world she dived sharply into the ground and her aircraft exploded. 

"This test demonstrated the instant alteration of a skilled pilot's perception, causing that pilot to inadvertently react promptly in an unintentionally suicidal manner. A secondary purpose of the test was to stimulate the U.S. government system again, to see if the system recognized what had occurred. Sad to say, it did not and it has not. It was lamely speculated that Svoboda probably looked over her shoulder like a rank greenhorn, and inadvertently dived her aircraft into the ground while looking back at the target. If there was one pilot in the USAF who would have not done that, it was Captain Svoboda. At any rate, the KGB determined that the U.S. scientific, intelligence, and governmental communities did not have the foggiest notion of what had occurred.

"In private proprietary communications9 we have explained further, to proper parties, exactly the reasons for these two tests, and what exactly was being tested, and what is its planned strategic use." - Tom Bearden

Whether or not the Milan crash was another example of longitudinal wave mind-control, the concept to grasp is that with the new scalar psychoenergetics technology, it could have been.

Here are some further thoughts of Tom Bearden
on the topic of mind control
through lonitdudinal interferometry:

"So most probably Western mind control researchers have not recognized the methodology and mechanisms for transducing one type of EM wave polarization directly into another. They continue to seek the "mind" in 3-space and hence in the brain, rather than in the time domain. On the other hand it appears that the Russian KGB energetics weapons scientists – particularly those in psychoenergetics – have know and used methods of transducing one wave polarization into another, for at least two decades. It follows that those same scientists have very probably developed mind engineering and mind control via novel time-polarized EM wave means and a dramatically extended electrodynaics of the time-like mind operations."

"In these experiments, the experimenters will eventually be able to provoke any body or mind change they wish. Strong emotion. Intense pain. Intense pleasure. Painful thoughts. Images. Memories. Perceptions. Dreams. Visions. Memory losses. Memory changes. Personality changes. Etc. The "delta" in the emission spectrum (the changes from zero reference spectrum) represent the precise totality of all mental, physical, organic, chemical, etc. changes and interactions."

"A particularly vulnerable aspect of every mammal is the pleasure center in the brain. Experiments have shown that, when this center is stimulated, it is the most addictive experience possible. Rats will forego food, endure electrical shocks, starve, and even die to obtain stimulation of this center. Obviously a device capable of generating signals that evoke direct stimulation of the pleasure center in humans would be a powerful weapon."

"Further, the Russians have decades of use of longitudinal interferometry beams to reach right through the earth and ocean and produce stringent EM effects at a distance. So they will also be able to do the same things here in "mind control" with LW interferometers, through intervening mass including the earth and ocean. Western mind-control scientists and their rogue groups—assuming they exist as postulated—largely will not be able to do that, and probably won't even recognize Russian testing of psychoenergetics weapons directly in or over Western nations."